Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stretching My Old Brain Probabilistic Graphical Models
My current class is Probabilistic Graphical Models, it is fun and a bit challenging. The class started about a month ago, but I am already about one week behind. Daphne Koller is a great teacher, and has a vision to help provide quality education to the world, via Coursera
In December, 2011, I finished the online AI class “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” taught by
Thanks Professors Thrun and Norvig
Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun. It was tremendous.
In April, 2012 I finished CS 101 - Building a Search Engine, a free course offered by Udacity (It was free but not easy). I really learned a lot - and I did enjoy the final, it was a bit of a challenge for me. This was one of the first courses offered by Udacity.
Hope You Enjoy the Final
The person on the right is David Evans, he was our teacher for this course; a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. On the left is Sebastian Thrun, who helped start Udacity. Sebastian is a Research Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and a Google Fellow.
I have been quite impressed with what is available for online classes. The fact that anyone in the world can take a class and learn is quite amazing. My goal is to keep on learning. I really hope to learn more about the nature of consciousness and how sentient species came about.